Deputy Principal – Mrs Thorburn

Tēnā koutou katoa

Nō Kotirana āku tupuna

Ko Bennachie te tūrangawaewae

He ringa raupa āku tupuna

I maina kōhatu rātou mō ngā pare o te whare

Nō Puketutu ahau

I tipu ake au ki Puketutu

I haere au ki ngā hau e wha

Engari, I whakatau toku ngakau kei raro i te maunga o Taranaki

Kei Ngamotu ahau e noho ana

Ko Matthew tōku hoa rangatira

Ko Lestat tāku whakaangi

Ko Jenn tōku ingoa

Nō reira

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa

It is with great pride that I introduce myself as Tumuaki Tuarua (Deputy Principal) of Te Kura o Takawaenga o Ngāmotu (Devon Intermediate). Some of you may know me from my previous role at Spotswood Primary here in New Plymouth, where I worked for seven years. Before that, I taught across all year levels from Year 2 to Year 8 in both West and South Auckland.

I grew up in the Bombay Hills, just south of Auckland, but have lived in various places, including Auckland, Colorado, London, Edinburgh, and Queenstown. Before embarking on my teaching career, I had a rewarding and diverse career in hospitality management. I later pursued a Bachelor of Education, specialising in Pasifika Education, which allowed me to combine my passion for learning with my commitment to educating and empowering tamariki.

In 2016, my husband and I relocated to Taranaki, his home region. This decision proved to be a true blessing, as we have embraced the vibrant lifestyle and endless opportunities New Plymouth offers. We love the outdoors and spend as much time as we can fishing or exploring our beautiful backyard.

It is an honour to be part of the Devon Intermediate whānau, and I have developed a genuine appreciation for our kura and its vibrant community. I am deeply committed to fostering strong partnerships with whānau to support the growth, development, and success of our tamariki. Together, we can cultivate a positive and empowering environment where every child is encouraged to excel, reach their full potential, and take pride in their achievements as valued members of our community.

Ngā mihi nui,
Jenn Thorburn